Building a menu using JQuery is too simple. Here the script reads from an XML file to build the menu items.
Sample xml
<Menu Text="Home" URL="" ToolTip="Home" ID="m1" >
<SubMenu Text="About us" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<SubMenu Text="Contact us" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<SubMenu Text="Careers" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<Menu Text="Company" URL="" ToolTip="Home" ID="m2" >
<SubMenu Text="Clients" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<SubMenu Text="Management" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
$(document).ready(function () {
type: "GET",
url: "Menu.xml",
dataType: 'xml',
success: function MenuBuilder(xml) {
$(xml).find("Menu").each(function () {
$("#Menu").append('<div class="menu" id="' + $(this).attr('ID') + '"><a href=' + $(this).attr('URL') + ' Tooltip=' + $(this).attr('ToolTip') + '>' + $(this).attr('Text') + '</a></div>');
var id = $(this).attr('ID');
var smid = "SM" + id;
$("#" + id).append('<div class="submenu" id="' + smid + '"></div>');
$(this).find("SubMenu").each(function () {
$("#" + smid).append('<a href=' + $(this).attr('URL') + '>' + $(this).attr('Text') + '</a><br />');
$("#" + smid).hide();
$("#" + id).hover(function () { $("#" + smid).show(); }, function () { $("#" + smid).hide(); });
Sample xml
<Menu Text="Home" URL="" ToolTip="Home" ID="m1" >
<SubMenu Text="About us" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<SubMenu Text="Contact us" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<SubMenu Text="Careers" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<Menu Text="Company" URL="" ToolTip="Home" ID="m2" >
<SubMenu Text="Clients" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
<SubMenu Text="Management" URL="" ToolTip="About us"></SubMenu>
$(document).ready(function () {
type: "GET",
url: "Menu.xml",
dataType: 'xml',
success: function MenuBuilder(xml) {
$(xml).find("Menu").each(function () {
$("#Menu").append('<div class="menu" id="' + $(this).attr('ID') + '"><a href=' + $(this).attr('URL') + ' Tooltip=' + $(this).attr('ToolTip') + '>' + $(this).attr('Text') + '</a></div>');
var id = $(this).attr('ID');
var smid = "SM" + id;
$("#" + id).append('<div class="submenu" id="' + smid + '"></div>');
$(this).find("SubMenu").each(function () {
$("#" + smid).append('<a href=' + $(this).attr('URL') + '>' + $(this).attr('Text') + '</a><br />');
$("#" + smid).hide();
$("#" + id).hover(function () { $("#" + smid).show(); }, function () { $("#" + smid).hide(); });
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